e-Learning by the Numbers

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It is another of those once-in-a-lifetime calendar days, this 12/12/12. Though really just representing a short day format, it is nevertheless, the last time that you'll see calendar days align. The next one will be a century later, in Jan. 1, 2101 when it's 01/01/01. Lucky day or not, I wouldn't notice. Definitely, 12/11 is more relevant for me. It's e-Learning's [for agriculture and fisheries] birthday!

Number combinations do amuse me. So let's continue talking about numbers, some number-meanings at our e-learning site:

1: Each online course has a one-time enrollment key that you need to input in a form to be able to access the main course material. It is never automotatic; it helps us segregate users. It is asked for and is manually entered.

2: Each online course, or courseware, that we have has two parts: the front-end, where you get to see what the course is all about; and the main course content, where you get to see the actual course material.

5: There are four five agencies who have partnered with ATI in developing online courses. These are BAR, PCAARD, PhilMech, PhilSCAT and the SAC in Cagayan de Oro City.

6: We have five six categories broadly classifying our e-learning courses: crops, livestock, fisheries, social technology, and sustainable agriculture and other courses, where we include courses that do not readily fit our categorization. One example is the online course on beekeeping

40: There are currently 40 enrollable certificate courses available in the site.

41: These are the number of courseware developers, out of those whom we have trained, who have actually completed and contributed online courses that are now available for enrollment.

50: This was the most number of simultaneously logged-in e-learners and users within a single 5-minute block. This was on July 22, 2011 at 4:12 in the afternoon.

60: The passing grade for each online course.

750x500: This is the size, in pixels, of the stage where you view the main course content of the online course. It is functionally viewable across all devices.

1000: We've had our first thousandth liker on Facebook in 2011. She's Merlyn Gumap-as, then a student from Butuan City.

1027: The highest total number of enrollees tallied for a single version of an online course since it's launch date. The course was Vermicomposting 1.2. That total number was reached in May 2015.

10,000: Mr. Edwin Aguinaldo, a farmer from Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya, is the 10,000th registered user at the e-learning site. As of May 2015, over 23,000 have registered in the site.

Certainly you can get more numbers from our e-learning site like how many are from what area, how many are taking what course, etc. But those are more dynamic, continuously changing. That will be subject of another blog post in the future. In the meantime, share me a number from the e-learning site for agriculture and fisheries.

(updated May 23, 2015)

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ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.