Not Once But Twice!!!

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I did my very best!!! I almost have it!!! I gave my passionate shot!!! But I did not get it!!!
It was year 2012 when I tried to join the contest in photography called by the Agricultural Training Institute Central Office during its 25th Founding Anniversary with the theme “ATI At It’s Best”. I won, of course! But only 2nd place…Not bad… at least I won. I accepted it positively believing that there’s still room for improvement and still I have to develop my skill and knowledge in photography. Winner during that contest was Mr. Dennis Boyd Baltazar of Region 8.

When Ms. Niet Arceo, ATI ISD OIC-Chief told us that one of their plan this year is to to have us undergo in a photography training, I was so excited because lately I’ve become passionate in taking photos at different angles and style using Canon 550D DSLR (it really started after the contest). I used to explore and practice my little knowledge in every documentations we do in our office and mind you, I am using it manually even its lens. Really, I did not know how to use that camera in an automatic set up!

April 1-4, 2014 is one of the luckiest day in my life I was one of the fortunate ATI staff who participated in the training on Blogging and Photography with our speaker none other than “Jim Paredes” of #ApoHikingSociety. His knowledge, talent, skills and fascination not only in music but also in blogging and photography were being shared to each and everyone of us. One thing I admire in this man was his unselfish story telling and giving tips of do’s and dont’s in making blog and high impact photo.

During our exercise, I was really glad that most of my shots were appreciated by Sir Jim. I will never forget what he said “you know how to shoot, you have a very good angle”.

On the graduation ceremony, all of us were required to submit at least one blog and five (5) best shots and evaluated by Sir Jim. He has to choose one best blog and one best photo. Mr. Efren Macario of ATI Region 10 won the best blog entitled “Sa Kuta ni Aga” and guess who won the best photo? Mr. Dennis Boyd Baltazar again of Region 8! And me, I won again 2nd place! Well it’s okay, because the model of his winning piece is none other than—- ME!

What I learned from this funny moment is that practice makes perfect. Right angle, right timing at a right camera set up, the result is high impact photo! This learning is very useful for me being assigned as e-Extension Coordinator.

Even if I make a thrice, fourth times 2nd place or even none, I have nothing to worry, at least I now I know how to tell people what ATI MIMAROPA do to improve the lives of the farmers and fisherfolks in our region by producing high impact photo, this is my priority.

ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.