The e-Team

There is an A-Team and another an e-Team.

The A-Team is a fictional group of ex-United States Army Special Forces personnel who work as soldiers of fortune. Each team member has specialization which complements that of the other in the team,making them formidable.

An equally formidable but real group which I would call the e-Team exists at the Department of Agriculture. Each team member has his/her own specialization either in agricultural extension, communication or computers. Since its organization in 2007, the team is becoming more formidable in their quest to introduce change in agriculture and fisheries extension through ICT.

The team is composed of the following:

  1. e-Extension Coordinators - perform the following functions:
    • implement an advocacy program for the e-Extension Program in the region
    • prepare and submit a work and financial plan on the regional implementation of the e-Extension Program
    • conduct regular monitoring on the e-Extension Program
    • coordinate the activities related to the e-Extension Program
    • coordinate and implement other ICT-related and e-Extension activities in the region; and
    • serve as focal person for the conduct of activities related to Techno Gabay Program in the region
  2. Courseware Developers - design, develop and package e-learning courses on agricultural production and social technologies.
  3. ATI Webmasters - responsible for populating, maintaining and updating the Regional Training Center's websites
  4. Farmers' Contact Center (FCC) Agents - receive, process and send feedbacks to queries on agriculture & fisheries and the e-Extension Program.

The team is now composed of about 60 men and women from the ATI-CO, ATI-RTCs, DA Bureaus & attached agencies and the DOST-PCARRD. They work on their given functions with the help of over a thousand Subject Matter Specialists from SUCs, LGUs, NGOs, DA & its Bureaus and attached agencies and other government agencies. The e-Team is ably supported and guided by the ATI's Directorate, ATI-CO'KPMD headed by Ms. Niet Arceo & Ms. Pam Mappala and the untiring e-Extension Process Advisor, Mr. Jose Rey Alo.

e-Extension Program is accepted as a complementary tool in the delivery of agriculture and fishery extension services throughout the country. With sustained team members efforts, the program is not too far in realizing its ultimate goal, that is for every stakeholder to Embrace Change.

In this article: 

ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.