It's What We Do

Sir Jim: Give example of a topic for your blog...

We: Extension...

Sir Jim: Extension of what?

We: It's what we do...

Funny but this happened during our training on blogging and photography with our resource person Mr. Jaime Ramon 'Jim' Paredes of Apo Hiking Society. We were used to having resource persons who are familiar with what we do that we just assumed the rest would also know, which include Sir Jim.

Nonetheless, let me tell many others who don't know who we are and what we are.

The Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) is a bureau of the Department of Agriculture mandated to provide agricultural extension services. At ATI, we define agricultural extension as "the management of knowledge to empower farmers/fishers and organizations so they can manage problems and resources to meet their own objectives."

Our Services

Under Republic Act 8435 otherwise known as the Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) of 1997, extension covers training services, farm and business advisory services, technology demonstration services, and information, education and communication support services.

Our training services are need-based learning activities that are planned and implemented to enhance KAS (knowledge, attitude, skills) and values of our clients. We conduct trainings on production and post-production technologies of various crops, livestock, poultry, etc. We also provide training on Gender and Development (GAD), Climate Change Mitigation, Organic Agriculture, ICT Literacy and other social technologies.

Farm and business advisory services involve on-demand knowledge sharing and advisory on production and post-production technologies, linking producers to market, and other strategic resources and support services. It also covers technical assistance on financial management, rural-based organizations development, feasibility study preparation, project proposal development; and on-farm visits.

The technology demonstration services showcase matured technology generated by research and development institutions, including those developed by scientists in partnership with farmers and fishers. These techno-demo sites also serve as learning sites for training and on-farm visit activities of the Institute.

Information, education and communication (IEC) support services are sharing of information between and among stakeholders through either or a combination of print, radio and TV, indigenous folk media, or electronic. The Institute develops or sources out IEC materials, which are made available to its clients and can be accessed from the Institute's website.

e-Extension Program

An additional functionality of ATI is the e-Extension program by virtue of Department Order No. 03 series of 2007, which designates ATI as lead in e-Extension services in collaboration with other agencies, bureaus and organizational units of the DA to integrate and harmonize ICT-based extension delivery system. The program has three components: a) e-Farming, b) e-Trading, and c) e-Learning. We provide services through:

  • Farmers’ Contact Center where clients could get answers to their agri-fishery related queries through:
    Voice Call
    1-800-10-982-AGRI (1-800-10-982-2474) for Provincial Toll-free calls
    982-AGRI (982-2474) for calls within Metro Manila
    0920-946-AGRI (0920-946-2474) for Mobile calls

    Short Messaging System (SMS)
    391-DA (391-32) for Smart and Talk ‘N Text
    0920-946-AGRI (0920-946-2474) for Globe, TM, and Sun Cellular

    Electronic Mail (Email) -

    Instant Messaging (IM) -

    Online Discussion (Shoutboxes, Fora) in the e-Learning website,

  • Nutrient Manager for Rice Mobile phone application (NMRiceMobile) using Interactive Voice Response (IVR) - This is first in the world to use the IVR technology to deliver extension services which enables farmers in the Philippines to Call a toll-free number from their mobile phones, get answer to their questions by pressing the numbers on the phone's keypad as prompted by a recorded voice and receive text message for fertilizer recommendation. NMRiceMobile Hotline is 2378 for Globe subscribers only.
  • Rice Crop Manager (RCM) Version 1.0 ( provides irrigated and rainfed lowland rice farmers in the Philippines with a crop and nutrient management guideline customized to the needs of individual farmer. Rice Crop Manager is downloadable to Android smartphones.
  • On-line courses ( are designed for agricultural extension workers, enterprising farmers and fishers, teachers and retirees in the Philippines. The e-Learning courses are delivered online with blended approach. Learners get opportunity to interact through online discussion forum and access free digital resources.

    So, what's agricultural extension?

    It's what we do!

ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.