The Child in Us

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Although we, are now adults, we still maintain the juvenile traits of the child in us. We experienced this when we had our staff development entitled “Green Teambuilding” last January 22-24, 2013 in Zambales. In the team games that the staff played along the seashore in Iba, Zambales, each member struggled very hard to outdo the other teams in the running, solving a puzzle, filling -up a big bucket with sea water, and beach volleyball. Ms. Nelda Zulueta, lead facilitator from Skillshop.Com which facilitated our team building workshop instilled in each staff the value of working together, sharing knowledge and skills in solving a problem, and unified decision making. It was cold along the shore at night but we felt the warmth of the bonfire and the camaraderie of each one. While roasting marshmallows and hotdogs, each staff expressed his/her feelings towards work in 2012 and what they dream and hope for 2013.

The next day, we visited Rosa Farms, a 13 hectares mango-based integrated farm of Nelda and Ding Zulueta. The farm is more than qualified as a learning site and can be developed as a possible School for Practical Agriculture. It is also a very potential agri- tourism destination. Under the mango trees we rekindled our childhood memories when we played indigenous games like “kadang- Kadang”, jumping rope, “sipa” and “pinoy henyo”. We had a sumptuous meal of lechon, kare-kare, seafoods, crabs, “inihaw na pusit at “bangus”, pinakbet, sweet mangoes , and “suman”. Brewed Arabica and Robusta coffee was available the whole day.

On the last day of our training, we picked and paid for our harvest of mangoes, tomatoes, squash, ampalaya, cucumber, string beans, “upo”, bell and hot pepper, and okra. We also bought “bagoong alamang”, fruit wine and goat milk soap.

Before we left, a concluding activity was facilitated by Ms. Zulueta. The staff were grouped into teams and each team presented a role play on the descriptions of the ATI-CAR staff. The plays depicted that the staff are committed and passionate and that they are wiling to strive to be more vibrant, innovative and dynamic this year.

The activities that were conducted in the training brought out the traits of the child in us like playfulness, sense of humor, open mindedness, imagination, creativity and curiosity. The facilitator was successful in bringing out these characteristics to facilitate our learning. It made our training light, pleasurable, enlightening, lively, and relaxing.

ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.