meitats's blog

Start Small

It is but common to us that in every endeavor we aspire for, we wanted to have huge, big and or an enormous result or impact. Thus, it is as well given, that only a few thrived because most of them failed.

An Advocacy of Some Sort, go OA!

When the organic agriculture or OA as other have called it goes into mainstream - this term is neither new nor old to me. I first heard OA 18 years ago (hmm! that doesn't mean I am that old, but at some point of my life - I grow) when I joined in a non-government organization as technical writer cum researcher fresh from college graduation.

One Message, One Objective: to Make a Difference

We hear a lot of statements in the field regarding the e-extension program of ATI right after we conduct briefings and or advocacies.

Most of these are queries on how the program works, how we monitor enrollees, how we sent out certificates, how much time do these learners spent to internet cafes in order to finish one (1) course. Or how can they reach or contact us to give briefings to their organization, colleagues and circle of friends. These and more are just one of the many classic experiences we encounter in the field.

Just for Fan…So They Say!

e-Extension’s advocacy means a lot of IEC (Information, Education and Communication) materials to prepare and deliver.

From pins to bags, pens to ID sling then to cardboard hand-fans and the like. These and all were given with one ultimate purpose “to inform clients about the program” and at least let them grasp a little about the benefits from it.

As an e-Extension Coordinator known to be “hard-line with the program,” sometimes our hands are full bringing this stuff to support the things we shared through word-of-mouth.

How the Word “Busy” Speaks for Itself

This four-letter word was the battle cry among eLOCs last 2010. Every time I logged on to my Yahoo Messenger – this red button with white dash greet me sometimes with a different smiley icon beside it. Others opted to place inspiring quotes while some put awful feelings (or perhaps, the on-goings with their respective workstation) …

Figuratively, eLOCs are just so diligent even to this detail (not to mention our respective milestones in the center) hahaha! But, these attitudes are just usual amongst us – because we find this as a mere gesture of status update – just that!

We Need More… Power!

Even if I’m used to hearing this lines… but, I’m a bit unhappy (I’d rather use this word – to sound positive still… LOL) when I heard it straight from a colleague. That! Tadannn!!! "I’m still mystified about e-extension"… (with emphasis mode) sigh!

Oh why oh why? Where were you when we discussed this thing very long time ago… I know they’re just around… during the demystifying stage… however, they’re not that interested maybe or perhaps "cannot recall" the whole process.


ATI Today

Extension services continue to evolve. With the challenges that extension workers and farmers face, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) continues to explore various strategies to improve its efforts as the extension and training arm of the Department of Agriculture. In over 30 years, the ATI has celebrated various successes and learned from the lessons during hard times. Nonetheless, we are proud to be standing the test of time through the support of our partners and the clientele themselves. This is the ATI Today, more committed to bring you extension services beyond boundaries.  


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