Some thirty-two (32) Livestock Extension Workers, Livestock Raisers and Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Officers attended the three-day training on LIVESTOCK EMERGENCY GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS TRAINING (LEGS) held at the Siquijor State College, Larena, Siquijor on July 11-13,2017.
This training was in support to the Agricultural Training Institute-National Livestock Program (ATI-NLP) for CY 2017. The objectives of the training is to describe the LEGS approach, identify appropriate livelihood-based livestock interventions in emergency response, design and implement response interventions according to LEGS standards and guidelines.
Ms. Evangeline Bantilan of the Provincial Veterinarian’s Office in her impression, said “I am very much impressed with this training because the livestock sector is given emphasis before, during and after calamities because most Siquijodnon relied their livelihood on livestock and poultry raising.”
The sole resource person, Dr. Lourdes S. Socorro, the City Veterinarian of Dumaguete City is an accredited LEGS Trainer.
The training produced positive outcome among the participants because of its inputs and support of ATI-7 spearheaded by Dr. Roberto L. Castro and Jovanie A. Picot, Technical support staff.